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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ignacio Lopez de Maturana” ,找到相关结果约202950条。
Inflammatory Burden but Not Diabetes Mellitus Influences in Prognosis of Endovascular Revascularization in Peripheral Arterial Disease
Silvia Bleda,Joaquin de Haro,Cesar Varela,Ignacio Lopez de Maturana
ISRN Vascular Medicine , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/219479
Circulating Anti-Beta2-Glycoprotein I Antibodies Are Associated with Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation, and High Nitrite Plasma Levels in Patients with Intermittent Claudication
Cesar Varela,Joaquin de Haro,Silvia Bleda,Leticia Esparza,Ignacio Lopez de Maturana,Francisco Acin
International Journal of Inflammation , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/268079
Abstract: Our aim is to investigate a possible association of circulating anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies (ABGPI) with the endothelial dysfunction, nitric oxide bioactivity dysregulation, and the inflammatory status that surrounds peripheral arterial disease. We carried out an observational translational study, including 50 male patients with intermittent claudication and a healthy control group of 10 male subjects, age and sex matched with the cases. Flow-mediated arterial dilatation (FMAD) was assessed as a surrogate of endothelial dysfunction, and C-reactive protein (hsCRP) was determined as a marker of inflammation. Nitrite plasma levels were measured by colorimetric analysis. Circulating ABGPI titer was detected with indirect immunofluorescence. Titers <1?:?10 represented the reference range and the lower detection limit of the test. Circulating ABGPI titer ≥1?:?10 was detected in 21 (42%) patients and in none of the control subjects ( ). Patients with ABGPI titer ≥1?:?10 had a lower FMAD ( ). The CRP levels were higher in patients with ABGPI titer ≥1?:?10 ( ). The nitrite plasma levels were higher in patients with ABGPI titer ≥1?:?10 ( ). These data suggest that these circulating ABGPI may collaborate in the development of atherosclerosis; however, further prospective studies are required to establish a causal relationship. 1. Introduction The endothelium is responsible for maintaining the balance between the different factors involved in the vascular wall function. In atherosclerosis, this balance is broken, and the endothelium is no longer able to regulate vascular homeostasis. This situation causes endothelial dysfunction characterised by vasospasm, vasoconstriction, local coagulation alterations, abnormal fibrinolysis, and an increase in arterial wall cell proliferation. Endothelial dysfunction acts as a primary pathogenic event, as it occurs before structural change are evident on angiogram or ultrasound scan, and it is not correlated with the disease’s severity [1]. The loss of endothelial regulation has been attributed to a reduction in nitric oxide bioactivity and to an increased oxygen-free radical formation in the context of the proinflammatory status found in atherosclerosis [2, 3]. On the other hand, there is currently a wide variety of data pointing to a possible autoimmune origin of atherosclerosis [4–11]. This hypothesis is biologically plausible, as chronic vascular inflammation observed in atherosclerosis is based on the dysregulation of the immune system activity. In this context, circulating anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies
Absceso retroperitoneal: Comunicación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura
Revista chilena de infectología , 2001, DOI: 10.4067/S0716-10182001000200009
Abstract: retroperitoneal abscess is an infrequent infection with a mortalilty rate of 50%, unless drainage is implemented on time. in more than 80% of cases retroperitoneal abscess is secondary to a digestive, renal, or vertebral focus or is derived of the iliopsoas muscles. up to 14% of the retroperitoneal abscesses are considered primary, because no other focus can be found. it has a polymicrobial bacterial etiology. a fever syndrome without an evident clinical focus is frequently present, and therefore, radiological techniques, such as ultrasound and computerized axial tomography, are indispensable for diagnostic purposes and for guiding its drainage. in the last few years the percutaneous drainage has been the first-line treatment replacing surgical technics in experienced centers. we present two cases and discuss the difficulties for its diagnosis and treatment. in one case the origin was a retrocecal and retroperitoneal appendix infection, an anatomical variation which is found in no more than 3% of the population, which therefore produces an atypical appendicitis. the second case was catalogued as primary, since the search of an original focus was negative. both cases received antiobiotic therapy and surgical drainage with a full recovery
Absceso retroperitoneal: Comunicación de dos casos y revisión de la literatura RETROPERITONEAL ABSCESS: TWO CASES REPORT AND REVIEW
Revista chilena de infectología , 2001,
Abstract: El absceso retroperitoneal (AR) es una infección infrecuente, con letalidad hasta 50% si no se efectúa su drenaje oportuno. En más del 80% de los casos el AR es secundario a un foco de origen digestivo, renal, vertebral o de la musculatura iliopsoas y de etiología bacteriana mixta. Hasta 14% de los AR son primarios, por no detectarse un foco de origen al completar el estudio. Con frecuencia se presenta como un cuadro febril sin causa evidente por lo que son indispensables técnicas radiológicas como el ultrasonido y la tomografía axial computarizada, tanto en el diagnóstico como para guiar el drenage percutáneo. En los últimos a os éste ha llegado a ser tratamiento de elección, reemplazando a la cirugía en centros con experiencia en este procedimiento. Presentamos dos casos comentando las dificultades en su diagnóstico y tratamiento. En un caso el origen fue la infección del apéndice de localización retrocecal y retroperitoneal, variante anatómica presente en no más de 3% de la población, por lo que el cuadro de apendicitis es atípico. El segundo caso fue catalogado como primario ya que el estudio de foco de origen fue negativo. Ambos recibieron terapia antimicro-biana y drenaje quirúrgico con recuperación plena Retroperitoneal abscess is an infrequent infection with a mortalilty rate of 50%, unless drainage is implemented on time. In more than 80% of cases retroperitoneal abscess is secondary to a digestive, renal, or vertebral focus or is derived of the iliopsoas muscles. Up to 14% of the retroperitoneal abscesses are considered primary, because no other focus can be found. It has a polymicrobial bacterial etiology. A fever syndrome without an evident clinical focus is frequently present, and therefore, radiological techniques, such as ultrasound and computerized axial tomography, are indispensable for diagnostic purposes and for guiding its drainage. In the last few years the percutaneous drainage has been the first-line treatment replacing surgical technics in experienced centers. We present two cases and discuss the difficulties for its diagnosis and treatment. In one case the origin was a retrocecal and retroperitoneal appendix infection, an anatomical variation which is found in no more than 3% of the population, which therefore produces an atypical appendicitis. The second case was catalogued as primary, since the search of an original focus was negative. Both cases received antiobiotic therapy and surgical drainage with a full recovery
Chronic Ulcers in Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's Disease): Updating Epidemiology, Physiopathology, and Bosentan—A Novel Strategy of Therapy
Ignacio López de Maturana,Javier Rodriguez,Carmen González,Silvia Bleda
Ulcers , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/230780
Chronic Ulcers in Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's Disease): Updating Epidemiology, Physiopathology, and Bosentan—A Novel Strategy of Therapy
Ignacio López de Maturana,Javier Rodriguez,Carmen González,Silvia Bleda,Joaquin de Haro,Francisco Acin
Ulcers , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/230780
Abstract: Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) or Buerger's disease is associated with both distal ulcers in the extremities and the possibility of amputation. The only treatment that has been shown to be effective in TAO is complete abstention from smoking. In spite of this, the disease progresses in up to 30 percent of cases and finally results in limb amputation. Only a few pharmacological and surgical options are available to date to improve healing ulcers in TAO. The efficacy of prostaglandin analogues is controversial. This paper summarizes the current evidence for medical treatment with bosentan in chronic ulcers in TAO patients. These available data up to date allow us to conclude that the beneficial effects of bosentan on improving endothelial function, inflammatory processes, and selective vasodilatation of damaged vessels result in a clinical enhancement regarding healing and preventive digital ulcers in such patients. In any case, these promising findings have to be confirmed with larger randomised trials. 1. Introduction Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) or Buerger’s disease is a thrombotic, occlusive, and nonatherosclerotic segmental vasculitis that affects small- and medium-sized arteries and veins which may involve distal vessel of upper and lower extremities. As a vasculitis, it is characterized by inflammation and fibrinoid necrosis of blood vessel walls. Classically, various mechanisms have been implicated in its etiopathogenesis including cell-mediated inflammation, immune complex-mediated inflammation, and autoantibody-mediated inflammation [1]. Recently, novel pathways have been described in physiopathology of the disease, though not completely well known. The endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been associated in these etiological processes, which can induce to endothelial cell activation causing complications such as vessel occlusion and tissue destruction [2]. ET-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, which exerts its action by targeting two transmembrane receptors (ETA and ETB). ET-1 facilitates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, promotes monocytes via activation of the ETA, and contributes to matrix remodelling leading to the abnormal thickening of vessel walls [1–3]. Raised levels of ET-1 have been described in different kind of systemic vasculitis as mixed cryoglobulinemia, secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon [2], acute phase of Henoch-Sch?lein purpura, early stages of giant cell arteritis [1], Takayasu’s arteritis, and Buerger’s disease [3]. This finding supports that ET-1 may act as marker of vascular damage [2, 3]. Other nonvasculitic
Results of Infrapopliteal Endovascular Procedures Performed in Diabetic Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia and Tissue Loss from the Perspective of an Angiosome-Oriented Revascularization Strategy
Francisco Acín,César Varela,Ignacio López de Maturana,Joaquín de Haro,Silvia Bleda,Javier Rodriguez-Padilla
International Journal of Vascular Medicine , 2014, DOI: 10.1155/2014/270539
Abstract: Our aim was to describe our experience with infrapopliteal endovascular procedures performed in diabetic patients with ischemic ulcers and critical ischemia (CLI). A retrospective study of 101 procedures was performed. Our cohort was divided into groups according to the number of tibial vessels attempted and the number of patent tibial vessels achieved to the foot. An angiosome anatomical classification of ulcers were used to describe the local perfusion obtained after revascularization. Ischemic ulcer healing and limb salvage rates were measured. Ischemic ulcer healing at 12 months and limb salvage at 24 months was similar between a single revascularization and multiple revascularization attempts. The group in whom none patent tibial vessel to the foot was obtained presented lower healing and limb salvage rates. No differences were observed between obtaining a single patent tibial vessel versus more than one tibial vessel. Indirect revascularization of the ulcer through arterial-arterial connections provided similar results than those obtained after direct revascularization via its specific angiosome tibial artery. Our results suggest that, in CLI diabetic patients with ischemic ulcers that undergo infrapopliteal endovascular procedures, better results are expected if at least one patent vessel is obtained and flow is restored to the local ischemic area of the foot. 1. Introduction Critical limb ischemia (CLI) mainly affects elderly patients with important comorbidities and significant diffuse multilevel vascular lesions [1, 2]. These patients are frequently diabetics with neuroischemic limb ulcers, gangrene, and foot sepsis. This specific group is prone to develop an aggressive form of the disease, with more tibial affectation and microcirculatory impairment [3, 4]. The risk of limb loss is higher among diabetics and in patients with ischemic ulcers [1, 2]. In the absence of a successful revascularization, major amputation and mortality rates of CLI patients are substantial. In this context, obtaining at least one patent tibial artery to the foot is usually needed to achieve a sufficient amount of blood flow to cover the healing process requirements and ensure limb salvage [5–9]. Therefore, infrainguinal revascularization procedures are frequently performed, especially on tibial vessels. According to several studies, tibial endovascular techniques could provide similar clinical outcomes as distal vein bypass surgery with a lower rate of procedure-related complications [10–12]. In many centres, these interventions have been implemented as first line of
LXI Technologies for Remote Labs: An Extension of the VISIR Project
Unai Hernandez-Jayo,Javier García-Zubia,Ignacio Angulo,Diego Lopez-de-Ipi?a
International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE) , 2010, DOI: 10.3991/ijoe.v6s1.1385
Abstract: Several remote labs to support analog circuits are presented in this work. They are analyzed from the software and the hardware point of view. VISIR remote lab is one of these labs. After this analysis, a new VISIR remote lab approach is presented. This extension of the VISIR project is based on LXI technologies with the aim of becoming it in a remote lab easily interchangeable with other instruments. The addition of new components and experiments is also easier and cheaper.
Hopf modules for autonomous pseudomonoids and the monoidal centre
Ignacio L. Lopez Franco
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: In this work we develop some aspects of the theory of Hopf algebras to the context of autonomous map pseudomonoids. We concentrate in the Hopf modules and the Centre or Drinfel'd double. If $A$ is a map pseudomonoid in a monoidal bicategory \M, the analogue of the category of Hopf modules for $A$ is an Eilenberg-Moore construction for a certain monad in $\mathbf{Hom}(\M^{\mathrm{op}},\mathbf{Cat})$. We study the existence of the internalisation of this notion, called the Hopf module construction, by extending the completion under Eilenberg-Moore objects of a 2-category to a endo-homomorphism of tricategories on $\mathbf{Bicat}$. Our main result is the equivalence between the existence of a left dualization for $A$ ({\em i.e.}, $A$ is left autonomous) and the validity of an analogue of the structure theorem of Hopf modules. In this case the Hopf module construction for $A$ always exists. We use these results to study the lax centre of a left autonomous map pseudomonoid. We show that the lax centre is the Eilenberg-Moore construction for a certain monad on $A$ (one existing if the other does). If $A$ is also right autonomous, then the lax centre equals the centre. We look at the examples of the bicategories of \V-modules and of comodules in \V, and obtain the Drinfel'd double of a coquasi-Hopf algebra $H$ as the centre of $H$.
Tensor products of finitely cocomplete and abelian categories
Ignacio Lopez Franco
Mathematics , 2012,
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study the existence of Deligne's tensor product of abelian categories by comparing it with the well-known ten- sor product of finitely cocomplete categories. The main result states that the former exists precisely when the latter is an abelian category, and moreover in this case both tensor products coincide. An example of two abelian categories whose Deligne tensor product does not exist is given.

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